Seniors Benefits
Many seniors are unaware of the numerous resources and support services that exist to help them. Understanding all the ins and outs of a senior’s benefits can sometimes be a bit tricky, right? If you ever have that nagging feeling that you might not be receiving all the benefits you’re entitled to, I’m here to help.
We can sit down and go over what you’re currently receiving. Whether it’s the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS), or the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) if it applies to you, and Alberta Seniors Benefits. We’ll make sure everything is in order. It’s essential to ensure you’re getting everything you’re eligible for.
If we find that you’re missing out on a benefit, don’t worry. We can provide you with all the necessary information and resources so you can follow up and make sure you’re getting what you deserve.
Remember, you’ve worked hard throughout your life, and it’s essential to ensure you’re receiving all the support and benefits available to you. Whenever you have questions or concerns, just reach out.
Learn more about how outreach can help HERE.
CONNECT WITH US TODAY! Let’s tackle it together!
For assistance by phone/ in-person appointments:
Outreach Coordinator – Shelley Kuny| ou******@we*******.ca | 780 483-1209 Ext. 223