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Lorena Smalley


Hi Neighbours!

WSAC is excited to collaborate with a University of Alberta student to explore the possibility of building an accessible community garden at our centre. We invite WSAC members and individuals and families from the surrounding Terra Losa community to join us for an information session.


Thursday January 30, 2025 |  6:30 p.m. | Games Room, WSAC

To help with our planning, please RSVP:


At this meeting we will:

  • Share the proposed site plan and what it will potentially include – rental garden plots, vegetable and herb gardens to address food security in the neighbourhood, a pollinator garden, sitting areas, fruit trees
  • Discuss how our garden will focus on sustainability 
  • Identify areas where we need help – volunteers to help with planning, building, planting, maintenance etc.
  • Discuss costs, funding opportunities, donations and sponsorship
  • Answer questions and ask for feedback on interests within the community and what they might want to see in a garden

If you are looking for a new and unique volunteer opportunity or are interested in potentially renting a garden plot to do your own gardening, please join us!


Unable To Make It?

CLICK HERE to complete a short survey so your voice can be heard.



If you live in one of the area condo complexes or apartments and would be willing to put up a poster in your building, please contact Heather Riberdy at 780-483-1209 ext 224 or he*****@we*******.ca