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Lorena Smalley

Date and Time: Friday, August 23, 2024 from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Location: Airdrie Public Library program room


Words are hard, and feelings can be messy. In this art therapy workshop for caregivers, we embrace the mess that comes along with challenging situations while we process emotions and embrace the benefits of therapeutic art-making. Professionally Trained Art Therapist and Canadian Certified Counsellor from Vecova’s Mental Health Services, Daniella Paulich, will guide caregivers through an art therapy workshop where there is a safe space to explore your feelings while connecting with other caregivers. The focus for this workshop is self-compassion.

What is Art Therapy?
Processing difficult life events can be challenging. It can often be difficult to find the words to accurately describe how we are feeling. It is hard to talk about hard things. Art therapy is a treatment style that combines psychotherapy and creative mediums (clay, paint, crayons, chalk, etc.) to process complex emotions and problems. The use of colors, shapes, textures, and different art supplies encourages clients to explore and understand their emotions through art.
In art therapy, the focus is self-expression through art materials; it is not about how the art looks, but rather how we can use art materials as a form of self-expression.

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