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Lorena Smalley


🌿From refreshing beverages to hearty breakfast options and satisfying snacks, each recipe is thoughtfully organized by dish-type for easy navigation.
Stay tuned for delicious dishes crafted with Ontario-grown goodness, specially designed to support your journey towards vibrant health and wellness! 🍽️🌟
We thank the Research Institute for Aging for creating this invaluable resource to enhance the well-being of older adults through nutritious and delicious recipes.

🍌🍫🥤Chocolate Soy Banana Smoothie

A delectable blend bursting with flavor and packed with nourishing goodness.
Made with Ontario-grown ingredients and enriched with the plant compound isoflavones found in soy, this smoothie is not only delicious but also supports your well-being.
Download the recipe HERE now!  Kickstart your journey towards vibrant health and vitality! ⭐

🥚🌿🧀Eggs Florentine with Goat Cheese

The Eggs Florentine is a savory delight as nutritious as it is delicious! Did you know? Goat cheese is a fantastic source of protein, essential for maintaining muscle mass, especially in aging adults. Regular protein intake can help support overall health and vitality.
Download the recipe HERE now!  Treat yourself to a wholesome breakfast that’s bursting with flavor and nourishment! 🍳🌱🧀⭐

🥞🍓🍫Wholesome Soy Berry Pancakes

Start your day with a delicious twist on a classic breakfast favorite! Our Wholesome Soy Berry Pancakes are not only fluffy and satisfying but also packed with nutritious ingredients to fuel your morning.

Instead of blueberries, why not tantalize your taste buds with chocolate chips for a sweet indulgence? Or opt for the delightful combination of cut-up apple with sprinkles of cinnamon for a cozy and comforting flavor profile.

Get the recipe HERE and explore endless possibilities to customize your pancakes to suit your cravings! 🥞🍎🍫

🌽🧀🌶️ Jalapeno Cheddar Cornbread

Bursting with cheesy goodness and a kick of jalapeno heat, this savory treat is sure to become a new family favorite.

Pro Tip: Freeze extra portions in a sealed plastic freezer bag to snack on later! Whether you’re craving a quick bite or need a tasty side dish for your next meal, having homemade cornbread on hand is always a delicious option.

Get the recipe HERE and elevate your snack game with this irresistible treat! 🌽🧀🌶️

🥒🥗 Cucumber Ribbon Salad

Featuring delicate cucumber ribbons tossed in a zesty dressing, this salad is perfect for adding a burst of freshness to any meal.

Pro Tip: Great as part of a lunch plate or salad! Pair it with your favorite protein or enjoy it on its own for a satisfying and nutritious dish.

Get the recipe HERE and elevate your lunchtime with this simple yet flavorful salad! 🥒🥗

🎃🥣 Ontario Ginseng Pumpkin Scallop Soup

Made with the finest Ontario-grown ingredients, including locally sourced ginseng, this soup is a delightful blend of flavors and nutrients.

Did you know? Research from Ontario scientists suggests that ginseng can improve blood sugar control, sparking further investigations into its potential benefits for diabetes management.

Get the recipe HERE and savor the delicious harmony of autumn flavors in every spoonful! 🎃🥣

🍗🥣 Chicken and Chickpea Stew

Packed with tender chicken, wholesome chickpeas, and a medley of aromatic spices, this stew is a nourishing delight for the senses.

Nutrition Tip: Pulses like chickpeas are a good source of iron, but did you know that iron from plant sources is absorbed better when eaten with foods high in vitamin C? Try adding tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, or cabbage to your stew to enhance iron absorption and boost your nutrient intake!

Get the recipe HERE and treat yourself to a wholesome meal that’s as delicious as it is nutritious!

🥦🥤 Go Green Smoothie

Packed with nutrient-rich ingredients like spinach, kale, and avocado, this smoothie is a delicious way to fuel your body and kickstart your morning.

Fun Fact: Did you know that soybeans are Canada’s 4th largest crop by seeded acreage, returning $2.4 billion to Canadian farmers? Soy consumption has also been linked to a reduced risk of many age-related diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Get the recipe HERE and join the green revolution with this nutritious and delicious smoothie! 🥦

🥒🍅 Cucumber Salsa

Did you know that cucumbers have a rich history dating back to the early 1500s when they first came to North America? With their crisp texture and refreshing flavor, cucumbers are not only a delicious addition to meals but also offer hydration benefits due to their high water content. Cucumbers can help with hydration, providing a refreshing way to quench your thirst and replenish fluids.

Get the recipe HERE and get refreshed and hydrated! 🎃🥣

🐟🥣 Salmon Yogurt Spread

Indulge in the creamy goodness of our Salmon Yogurt Spread, a delightful blend of omega-3-rich salmon and probiotic-packed yogurt! Perfect for spreading on crackers or dipping with fresh veggies, this savory spread is as delicious as it is nutritious.

Did you know? Probiotics are live bacteria found in fermented products like yogurt, and research suggests they can help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in our gastrointestinal system as we age. Incorporating probiotic-rich foods into your diet, like yogurt, can support gut health and overall well-being.

Check out the recipe HERE and treat yourself to a flavorful spread that’s bursting with health benefits! 🐟🥣

🥗🍗 Barbecue Chicken Salad

Packed with protein and bursting with flavor, this salad is a nutritious and satisfying meal option.

Did you know? Chicken is an excellent source of high-quality lean protein, making it a great choice for older adults. Protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass, strength, and overall health, making dishes like our Barbecue Chicken Salad a must-have addition to your diet.

Check out the recipe HERE and treat yourself to a delicious and nutritious meal with our Barbecue Chicken Salad! 🥗🍗

🥔🥚🥗 Potato, Egg, and Green Bean Salad

This salad is not only delicious but also packed with nutritious ingredients to fuel your body and tantalize your taste buds.

Did you know? Choline, found abundantly in egg yolks, has been studied for its ability to maintain cognitive performance as we age. Including choline-rich foods like eggs in your diet may support brain health and cognitive function, making dishes like our Potato, Egg, and Green Bean Salad a smart choice for overall well-being.

Check out the recipe HERE and experience the perfect balance of flavor and nutrition with our Potato, Egg, and Green Bean Salad!

🍯🍓 Fruit Honey Smoothie

Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, this smoothie is a delicious way to nourish your body and satisfy your sweet cravings.

Did you know? Honey contains polyphenolic compounds that have been extensively studied for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds may help improve overall health by combating oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.

Check out the recipe HERE and enjoy a burst of flavor while reaping the health benefits of honey’s natural goodness! 🍯🍓

🧁🫐 Low-Fat, High Fiber Blueberry Muffins

These muffins are not only a delightful treat for your taste buds but also a nutritious addition to your diet.

Did you know? Oats are rich in soluble fiber, which has been shown to lower cholesterol levels. High cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease, so incorporating foods like oats into your diet can contribute to heart health and overall well-being.

Check out the recipe HERE and enjoy the delectable goodness of our Blueberry Muffins while supporting your heart health with every bite! 🧁🫐

☕❄️ Frozen Hot Chocolate

A delightful blend of rich cocoa and creamy goodness that’s perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth on a hot day! Made with milk and chocolate, this chilly treat is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients to support your overall health.

Did you know? Milk is a rich source of calcium and vitamin D, both of which play crucial roles in maintaining strong and healthy bones. Calcium helps to build and maintain bone density, while vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium. Including milk in your diet can contribute to better bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Check out the recipe HERE and give your bones the nutrients they need to stay strong and healthy! ☕❄️

🍳🧀 Mini Frittatas

These adorable little frittatas are not only delicious but also nutritious, making them the perfect addition to your breakfast or brunch spread.

Did you know? Eggs enriched with omega-3 fatty acids are readily available at grocery stores, offering an easy way to boost your intake of these essential nutrients. Omega-3 fatty acids are currently being studied for their potential role in promoting brain and heart health, making omega-3 enriched eggs a smart choice for overall well-being.

Check out the recipe HERE and whip up a batch of these Mini Frittatas for a delightful start to your day! 🍳🧀

🧀🍪 Goat Cheddar Cheese Shortbread

These buttery shortbread cookies are perfect for snacking or pairing with your favorite cheese platter.

Did you know? Female goats are typically bred at one year of age and start producing milk when they are around a year and a half old. Goat cheese, made from goat’s milk, offers a variety of nutritional benefits. It is often lower in lactose and easier to digest than cow’s milk cheese, making it a suitable option for those with lactose intolerance. Additionally, goat cheese is rich in calcium, protein, and essential nutrients like vitamin D and vitamin K.

Check out the recipe HERE and savor the rich taste and nutritional benefits of goat cheese with our Goat Cheddar Cheese Shortbread! 🧀🍪

🍓🥣 Strawberry Granola Parfait

This refreshing parfait is not only a treat for your taste buds but also offers a wealth of health benefits.

Did you know? Strawberries are rich in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties that may help protect against various age-related diseases. Incorporating strawberries into your diet can support overall health and well-being, making them a delicious and nutritious addition to your meals and snacks.

Check out the recipe HERE and enjoy the many benefits of this antioxidant-rich fruit! 🍓🥣

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