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Lorena Smalley


Each month the WSAC team finds resources, tip sheets, guest blog posts, and more on topics we know seniors are interested in.  The following is a summary of this month’s resources.

Guest Blog Post #01 – November news from the Alberta Healthy Living Program – Power Up Your Health ! 

November is Fall Prevention Month – The weather is getting cooler, and some of us may already have encountered slippery patches on the sidewalk. A fall can happen at any age, at any time, in any place, and the results can be devastating. The good news is that many falls are preventable.  Check out their free classes to learn about how you can lessen your chance of having a fall. They also have a special November edition of the Alberta Healthy Living Program’s newsletter.

Guest Blog Post #02 – The Fall Prevention Month Website

Raise awareness about fall prevention in your community! All Canadians have a role to play in preventing falls. The fallpreventionmonth.ca have streamlined the website to emphasize the Fall Prevention Month campaign, with a focus on the tools and information that help you engage your community each November in preventing falls and fall-related injuries.

Guest Blog Post #03 – National Seniors Safety Week | November 6 – 12, 2024

The Canada Safety Council runs eight safety campaigns per year. This month is dedicated to the safety of older adults. The Canada Safety Council is raising awareness of the numerous ways to make a home more senior-friendly, reducing the risk of trips, falls, and other common hazards. Check out their latest article on Home Safety Starts with You to learn more what adjustments are needed as seniors age to ensure safety and comfort.