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Lorena Smalley

Exploring Edmonton’s Attractions – Who Knew!

On Thursday, September 19, 2024, we hosted our Active Aging Series called Exploring Edmonton’s Attractions and it was a fantastic morning.  First up we heard about the history of the John Walter Museum and the Waterdale community.  We learned that the museum is an accredited museum and that the park has a variety of walking and biking trails, picnic sites, and more.

The presenters outline a number of the events and programs that they offer and many of the attendees were very excited to learn about the upcoming Christmas events that are right around the corner!

Edmonton’s Public Library (EPL) – How long has it been since you visited a local library?

How long has it been since you visited a local library?  The library staff did a wonderful presentation showcasing all that the EPL has to offer.  We learned how easy it is to get our library card, we heard about upcoming events, and the different technology classes and assistance library staff can offer to older adults.  Click on the link below to visit the Edmonton Public Library’s website to see all they have to offer!

The John Janzen Nature Centre

The John Janzen Nature Centre is a hidden gem located by Fort Edmonton.  During the presentation we heard about their role with schools and the different exhibits and interactive educational displays they offer:

Testimonial – Active Aging Series: Exploring Edmonton’s Attractions

I am amazed by the number of exceptional speakers and presentations that WSAC hosts.

The September 19 gathering heard from two articulate and friendly young people who are interpreters at several sites in Edmonton. They featured the John Walter Museum, the John Janzen Nature Center located right next door to Fort Edmonton Park, and the Muttart Conservatory (MUTTart, and not MEWtart – I’ll remember the correct pronunciation) and their special programs aimed toward the interests of seniors.

Both of these young people exhibited great enthusiasm for the inclusion of seniors in their program planning, focusing on advice to keep us safe while at the same time enjoying the experience.

The ladies from Edmonton Public Library were very encouraging to get us excited about all that’s available through EPL, including a surprising number of options to overcome obstacles that some of us experience with reading.

Thank you so much for bringing us these wonderful sessions! Oh, and thanks for the muffins and coffee! What a treat!