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Lorena Smalley

Staying Safe: A Resource for Older Adults Living in Alberta

Everyone deserves to be safe and treated with respect

The Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Council presents you ‘Staying Safe: A Resource for Older Adults Living in Alberta’ handbook!

This handbook was created to provide older adults with important information to help them stay safe.

It is a comprehensive guide that can help older adults identify an unsafe or abusive situation and understand their rights and options if someone in their life is hurting them.

It contains stories of individuals who have found themselves in abusive situations and the steps they are taking towards staying safe.

While these stories are based on fictional characters, they deal with real situations that could be similar to yours.

Specifically, this handbook will provide the following helpful information:

  • Explains your rights
  • Gives you some options to think about
  • Tells you where to get help with different issues
  • Provides many valuable resources of where you can get help in the Resource Section

Click HERE to download the Stay Safe Handbook now!

If someone has hurt you and you need support or information, contact:

The Alberta Family Violence Line provides information on Family Violence services and resources available by calling 310-1818 (accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, with over 160 different languages available.)

The Sexual Assault Alberta Crisis Line, available 24 hours a day, 1-866-403-8000 (call or text)

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