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Lorena Smalley



Considering a position on the WSAC board?

You would be able to apply your skills and experiences to the betterment of a wide group of recipients reaching not only within, but beyond, the walls of WSAC.  Join our Town Hall and have all your questions answered by our board of directors! Coffee and treats will be provided.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 | 10:00 a.m. | WSAC Community Cafe



“That’s what I would give, but what’s in it for me?” you might ask. Current Board members were asked to respond to that question … and here’s what they had to say:


“I never imagined the challenges some seniors are facing and the multitude of services provided by the center. I’m proud to be associated with it.”  – Dave Baxandall

While I enjoy being a member of WSAC, playing pickleball and using the library, until I became a member of the Board I did not fully understand the positive impact WSAC has, not only seniors who are members here, but also in the wider community.  Board membership has been both an informative and rewarding experience.Wendy Jerome

“A major benefit for me has been the opportunity to further refine the skills developed and utilized pre-retirement.  The most important benefit has been to be directly associated with individuals committed to optimizing opportunities for seniors…very exciting.”Jay Pritchard

“I joined the Fundraising Committee originally as I have an extensive background in this area with my work throughout the years.  I was approached by Barbara Gibson to become a member of the Board at WSAC and was happy to join as I truly believe that loneliness is the worst enemy of seniors!  Staying active physically (if possible) and mentally is the key to a happy, enjoyable later life!  We do not all enjoy a good family life and many do not have family that live close by.  Seniors can help each other by participating and doing!  I love being a part of the wonderful Westend Seniors Activity Centre!”  – Barbara Thompson

”As a WeSeniors Board member, it’s exciting to be provided with a way to help support and shape the future for older adults. The role has also helped my own wellness by giving me the opportunity to learn new skills and maintain thinking skills.” – Lois Thurstan



WILLING TO GIVE IT A SHOT?  Nomination forms can be obtained at the front desk.  Nomination deadline is 4:00 p.m. on Friday, January 31, 2025.                         

Uncle Jay hopes you will consider joining us!



The Nominations and Elections Committee

For more information please contact:

Gaby Sanchez
Telephone: 780-483-1209 ext 232 | ga**@we*******.ca

Barbara Jaffray 
780-483-1209 ext 222 | bj******@we*******.ca

Visit our Front Desk 
Mondays to Fridays, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. |  Tuesdays and Thursdays – 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.