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Lorena Smalley

Do you have difficulty with walking and balance?

Join the “TIME at Home”  Free Online group exercise program to improve your balance and mobility!


What is the TIMETM at Home program?

TIME TM at Home is a group program where we stream an exercise video using Zoom. You will join from your own home using an electronic device such as a laptop or tablet using the Internet. The exercise class is 1.5 hours, twice per week, for 8 weeks. You follow a 60-minute exercise video that includes a warm-up, functional exercises, and a cool-down. The exercises are aimed at improving balance and mobility (e.g., standing up and sitting down, lunging, stepping, walking). You are invited to join 15 minutes before and after the class to socially interact with other participants and discuss topics related to health and wellness.


We are looking for people:

  • Living in the community
  • Balance and mobility challenges
  • Can walk at least 10m, stand-up and sit down from chair without help
  • Can watch and follow exercise videos online, able to hear video sound/audio
  • No unstable heart conditions


Program Benefits:

  • Evaluation with physiotherapist
  • 8-week online exercise session
  • FREE participation with gift cards after each evaluation


Have questions?

Please contact Mikayla at: 780483 1209 ext.228 or programs@weseniors.ca

If you are interested in participating this program, please fill the form on our webpage HERE!