ACTIVE AGING: Live your Best Life
- On Thursday, January 23, 2025, we had the privilege of hosting Life Coach Janet James as she gave us food for thought by asking us “Are you living your best life?”.
- The presentation was fantastic, giving us tips on how to get past our negative thoughts and fears with an encouraging message “at this age we need to quit worrying about fear and what other people thing and JUST DO IT!“
Below are some of the tips and resources Janet shared with us.
- Your life does matter. Acknowledge this daily helps you become stronger.
- Validate this with and to your friends. Share with them “I am wonderful!”
- The average mortality age for women is 84, men is 80, in Canada. How many years do you have to enjoy your life?
Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better
- What is holding you back from growing and living your best life?
- Growth doesn’t just happen over night. It takes practice, commitment and intention! It can be a lot of fun.
- Where the wealthiest place in the world? Graveyard.
- Dreams that never evolved, ideas that never came to fruition due to fear, doubts, and worry.
- Possibilities and imagination lost.
Are you living your best life? Ask yourself these questions:
- what do you want to do THIS YEAR that you didn’t do in 2024?
- what do you LOVE ABOUT YOUR LIFE?
- what do you WANT TO DO?
- what is YOUR PURPOSE?
Make A Plan!
- make a commitment and make it public
- identify the areas you want to improve
- pick 2 areas and spend 1 hour every day on yourself
- invest 1 hour a week to reflect and write down what you are learning
- share your growth with someone!
Learn To Say “So what!”
- don’t settle for a life of mediocrity, dictatorship, and judgment. You are here on purpose for a purpose.
- the words we use will change from negative to positive.
- Instead of saying you are trying – just do it
- Instead of blame – just fix it
- instead of Excuses – ideas
- Do you want to be a cheerleader or spectator?
- Recognize your greatness,
- overcome fear,
- improve self-confidence and
- spend your time on what matters.
Living Boldly at Any Age Summary
There are two emotions – Love and Fear. Which do you choose?
What is your naked truth?
Are you still looking back in your life? Are you wearing a backpack? (This is all the past that you carry which is good, bad and ugly. When will you forgive and unload this?)
What is holding you back?
- Fear
- Assumptions
- Judgment
- What Ifs????
5 Ways To Step Into Your Own Greatness
- make the choice
- be consistent
- be creative
- get uncomfortable
- say “yes”