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Lorena Smalley


Did you know that you can have our pharmacy team do an annual medication review and it is covered by your Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan?

We understand that managing your medications can be complex and overwhelming. That’s why we encourage you to schedule a medication review with our pharmacists. This valuable service can help you achieve the following:

  • Improved understanding of medications: Our pharmacists will explain the purpose, dosage, and potential side effects of each medication you are taking. This will help you make informed decisions about your treatment plan.
  • Reduced risk of adverse drug reactions: Pharmacists are experts in identifying potential drug interactions and side effects. By reviewing your medications, they can help minimize the risk of these problems.
  • Enhanced medication adherence: Our pharmacists can provide tips and strategies to help you stick to your medication regimen. This includes reminders, pill organizers, and other resources.
  • Optimized treatment plan: Pharmacists can work with your doctor to ensure that your medications are appropriate and effective for your specific needs. They can also recommend dosage adjustments or alternative medications if necessary.
  • Increased confidence in medication management: By understanding your medications and how to take them properly, you can feel more confident in managing your health.

If you are currently on multiple medications, it is a good idea to meet with our team and do a review.  Our pharmacist will do a thorough assessment of your medical conditions and current medications. This will help you to achieve your treatment goals

Who Is Eligible

You can have a medication review done once a year by a pharmacist for no charge if you meet the following criteria:

  • You have a valid Alberta Health Care card
  • You are taking at least 3 different prescription medicines
  • You have one or more of the following conditions:
    • Heart problems like heart failure or heart disease
    • v  High blood pressure
    • v  Tobacco, alcohol or drug addiction
    • v  Diabetes
    • v  Breathing issues such as COPD or Asthma
    • v  Mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety
    • v  Obesity: Being very overweight, with a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or more.

The pharmacy where you get your prescriptions may also offer this service.  If they don’t , feel free to reach out to our team.

How does a medication review work?

Your appointment will take about 30-40 minutes. During this time, the pharmacist will:

  1. Review your current medications and any you’ve taken in the past.
  2. Make sure you know why you’re taking each medication and how to take it properly.
  3. Look for any problems with your medications or potential issues that could arise.
  4. Set clear goals for what each medication should achieve.
  5. Find ways to address any medication-related problems or risks.
  6. Create a plan to solve these problems and help you reach your health goals.
  7. Set up a follow-up plan to check on progress and make sure everything discussed is taken care of.

After your medication review

  • Our team will document the details of your review and notify your family physician and other healthcare providers about the plan discussed and any recommendations suggested.

Scheduling a medication review is easy.

  • Simply call our pharmacy and ask to speak with a pharmacist. They will be happy to answer any questions you have and schedule an appointment.

We believe that medication reviews are an important part of your healthcare journey. By taking advantage of this service, you can improve your health and well-being.


QUESTIONS?  Please reach out to our team!

Terra Losa Pharmacy
17314 99 Ave NW, Edmonton,  ( We are located by the Home Depot near the Westend Seniors Activity Centre)