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Lorena Smalley

NEW! Commonwealth Lawn Bowling Club


Lawn Bowling is a fun and challenging way to stay active, socialize with others, and improve your hand-eye coordination. Play a modified lawn bowling game called Jack on the Mat, perfect for new players trying the sport for the first time, and experienced players to practicing new skills.

All levels are welcome.

Have you wanted to try Lawn Bowling but are hesitant to get started? The Commonwealth Lawn Bowling Club in Northwest Edmonton has been a proud part of Edmonton’s sport and recreation scene since the 1978 Commonwealth Games. The sport has been described as a combination of bocce, 5-pin and 10-pin bowling, and curling. It is a relatively easy sport to learn and is accessible for people from ages 8 to 100! 

WSAC has partnered with the club for the 2024 Season to allow our members to try the sport and get to know the club. No partner is needed; all you need are flat-soled shoes or sneakers (with no heels). Members are welcome to wear whatever clothes suit their style and comfort (historically, players wore all white!). The special balls (the bowls) used to play the game will be supplied by the club. The club has created a special version of the game designed for WSAC members called Jack on the Mat to introduce the sport excitingly. This version is a higher-scoring game that is great for beginners because it allows any ball that touches the mat to score a point, instead of the typical scoring system. 

Please sign up below and we will contact you with further details about the season.

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