Interested in participating in a dementia research study?
You are invited to participate in a research study. The study is being conducted by Dr. J.B. Orange and colleagues at the Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging (CCAA), at Western University, in partnership with Westend Seniors Activity Centre (WSAC). The goal of our study is to increase awareness among older adults of the evidence-based modifiable risk factors for the development of dementia, and to reduce social isolation. Recent evidence identified twelve (12) potentially modifiable risk factors for the development of dementia, mounting collectively to a 40% reduction in the development of dementia. These modifiable risk factors include depression, diabetes, excessive alcohol consumption, hearing impairment, hypertension, low social contact, physical inactivity, obesity, smoking, less education, air pollution and traumatic brain injury (Livingston et al., 2020).
If you agree to participate in the study, you will be asked by a “Community Coach” from WSAC one time about twelve risk factors for the development of dementia which can be changed. The Community Coach will enter your information from your screening of risk factors for dementia into the HAroLD (Healthy Active Living Database) software and a report will be generated. Your Community Coach will then review the report with you, interpret the results, and make recommendations to local resources should you wish to take actions to seek assistance in reducing your risk factors.
Additionally, you will be asked to participate in a focus group, delivered electronically via Zoom. You would be asked about your general impressions of the screening questions, about what you like best/least about the question, about what specific issues, concerns or problems you faced when being asked the screening questions.
Click here to read the Letter of Information. If you wish to participate in the research please fill out the consent at the end of the Letter of Information. Alternatively, copy and paste the following into your web browser
If you have questions about the research, please contact Dr. Haidong Liang at You may also contact the research team using the contact information on the Letter of Information.
Thank you,