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Lorena Smalley

The Power Of Setting Your Daily Intention

We have all heard that being grateful and living with intention is good for us but what does that look like?  We recently reached out to Leslie McKenzie the owner of Wellness Defined who also teaches at our centre to talk to her about the power of setting.  It was really interesting to learn about this and to see how easy it is to make it a part of our morning!

Q: Does anyone really start their day planning to feel grumpy, angry, or frustrated?
A: Not at all! Most of us don’t set out to feel or act negatively, but throughout the day, unexpected moments can trigger reactions we later regret.


Q: How can setting an intention help?
A: By starting your day with a clear intention, you can guide your energy and focus. For instance, you could decide to approach the day with kindness, gratitude, or confidence. Setting an intention is like giving yourself a roadmap for how you want to “show up” in the world.


Q: Why is this a good thing to do as we get older?
A: As we age, life can feel more routine, and it’s easy to let the days blend together. Setting an intention gives each day meaning and focus. It helps you stay engaged, improve your relationships, and cultivate a sense of purpose. Plus, it’s a gentle way to practice mindfulness and boost your overall well-being.


Q: What’s the best way to start setting intentions?
A: Take a few minutes each morning to reflect on your upcoming day. Ask yourself:

  • What’s something I can do to help my day run more smoothly?
  • How do I want to feel or respond today?

Then, choose a positive theme or energy to carry through the day. For example, you might decide, “Today, I will practice patience,” or “Today, I will bring joy into my interactions.”


Q: What if I forget my intention during the day?
A: That’s completely normal, especially at first! It takes practice to stay mindful of your intention throughout the day. Some days you’ll remember it easily, and other days it might slip your mind. The key is to keep trying and not get frustrated with yourself.


Q: I tend to get distracted when I am trying to come up with ideas. What could I do to get better at focusing?
A: It helps to create a calm and distraction-free space when setting your intention. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself before you start. If you’re struggling, try narrowing your focus to one word or simple theme for the day, like “gratitude” or “patience.” Journaling or meditating for a few minutes beforehand can also help quiet your mind and make it easier to choose your intention.


Q: How can I make my intention stick?
A: Here are some tips:

  • Write your intention in a journal or planner each morning.
  • State it out loud in the present tense, like “Today, I choose kindness.”
  • Set a reminder on your phone to pop up during the day.

Over time, this practice becomes second nature, and you’ll find it easier to stay grounded in your chosen intention.


Q: What changes can I expect from setting daily intentions?
A: Many people notice positive shifts in their relationships, their ability to handle unexpected challenges, and even in how they feel about themselves. Intention-setting helps you respond to life with purpose rather than reacting out of habit.


Q: What should I do at the end of the day with this practice?
A: At the end of the day, take a few moments to reflect on how your intention influenced your actions. Ask yourself:

  • Did I stick to my intention today?
  • What moments felt aligned with my intention, and what could I improve?
    Journaling about your experience can be a great way to track your progress and celebrate your wins, no matter how small.


Q: Can you share your morning intention-setting practice?
A: Of course! Here’s what works for me:

  1. I wake up a few minutes earlier.
  2. I sit quietly and review my plans for the day.
  3. I identify an attribute or theme that will support me, like kindness, gratitude, or courage.
  4. I write it in my journal, starting with “Today, I…” and then say it out loud.


Q: What if I don’t use a journal?
A: That’s fine! You can write your intention on a sticky note, set it as a phone reminder, or even just repeat it to yourself in the mirror. Find the method that works best for you.


Q: How does this practice empower my day?
A: When life throws challenges your way, your intention can act as a grounding force. Instead of reacting out of frustration, you’ll be reminded of your purpose for the day—whether that’s kindness, patience, or something else. It’s a simple yet powerful way to stay in control of your energy and focus.


Q: What’s the takeaway message?
A: By starting your day with an intention, you’re not just “getting through” the day—you’re shaping how it unfolds. It’s a practice that grows over time, bringing more purpose, positivity, and empowerment to your life. Why not try it tomorrow morning?

We want to thank Leslie from Wellness Defined for sharing these tips with us.  Want to learn more? Make sure to CLICK HERE to visit her website!